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  • #35278
    Rank: Level 5


    In the USA as well as in most developed countries, the low end marketing consist of  lower price products suitable for customers who are willing or able to spend large amounts of money. In developing countries  some low-end products may be considered high end or even luxury items.

    Sentence form :

    Nowadays many well known companies such as wall-mart market LOW-END version of a given product apart from their standard goods.

    Rank: Level 4

    It is assumed that the lower price of goods will stimulate buying.

    In most economically advanced nations, the low end market refers to a market place that stocks goods & services comparatively lower price, especially for customers who cannot or are unwilling to pay large amount of money.

    Rank: Level 4

    It refers to a market place that stocks goods and services of a comparitively lower price, especially for customers who are unwilling to pay large amount of money.

    Rank: Level 5

    Low-end Market may refer to a marketplace, that stocks goods and services of a comparatively lower price, especially for customers who cannot afford to or unwilling to pay a large amount of money. It is assumed that, lowering the price of goods would stimulate buying.

    Eg: NIKE, ADIDAS are prominent sports equipment brands. Not everyone can afford to buy sports equipment of those brands. There are certain local manufacturers who sell similar sports goods at a much lower price. A Low-end Market assists them.

    Rank: Level 4

    The price of the goods wil be low to consumer who are willing to spend a large amount of money for that goods

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