Successful stock traders and their trading strategies

Author: EQSIS
Published Date: November 8, 2016
Successful stock traders and their trading strategies

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Successful stock traders and their trading strategies

Trading can really be daunting, especially in the very competitive market these days. The stock market is constantly changing. You cannot just invest today and expect immediate success. It takes focus, understanding and implementation of successful trading strategies to get to where you want to be.

Fortunately, interested people can now access to effective trading approaches that could take them on top of the market. They can also learn from many successful stock traders throughout the world that can help them succeed. They are experienced stock traders, most have had the taste of failure and pain before getting to where they were.

Successful Stock Traders – Learning from the Experts

George Soros


George Soros

Born on 1930 in Hungary, George Soros is the head of Soros Fund Management, which was considered as one of the most thriving firms in the hedge fund industry’s history. He broke the Bank of England after his short sale of £10 billion, which yielded one billion dollar profit.

His boldness in making the trade played a huge role in his success. He was the medium that led to a new currency regime essential for a major country. The impact level of this single trade is unparalleled to this day.


William Delbert Gann

William Delbert Gann

W D Gann used a unique trading method. He used valuable market forecasting strategies based on ancient mathematics, astrology and geometry. With the use of unique technical methods in trading, he was considered as one of the legendary stock traders in the market history.

Jesse Livermore

Jesse Livermore

Jesse Livermore

He was an American stock trader known for enormous losses and gains in the market. Jesse Livermore was known for correctly predicting the stock market crashes in years 1907 and 1929. He made 3 million dollars in 1907 and after trading in 1929, he was worth 100 million dollars.
Jesse Livermore was able to score points for the huge impacts of the events that he predicted, as well as the sum of money he made. In addition, Jesse made a huge amount of money without the use of any fancy derivative instrument or having hedge funds. With the use of successful trading strategies, he obtained success with less mentors and educational resources than contemporary speculators.

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Known as a stock guru in India, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is one of the most successful and invaluable traders in the country. Indeed, India has a lot of so-called stock experts but none of the stock traders is as successful as he is.

What primarily contributed to his huge success was his skill set and knowledge. He understood that the stock market is also about knowledge. He accumulated a lot of knowledge before he made any investment in the stock market. He also knew how to choose the right stock and click the right deal at the right time.

Every successful trader has the right vision. They know that when you believe in something, you can achieve it. Indeed, it may take a lot time, persistence and effort but it is possible.

The lives of the most successful traders in the world are indeed colored by both victory and tragedy. With the use of successful trading strategies, they were able to create a world-renowned name in the stock market.


Successful Trading Strategies – The Key to Effective Stock Trading

To achieve stock trading success, you need to understand a set of valuable rules and methods that have guided various types of stock traders, with different sizes of trading account. Every strategy is important and its effects become stronger when used altogether. These are proven effective trading strategies that will increase your chance of succeeding in the market.

The Trading Plan

To be successful in your life, you need to have a plan. In the same way, to achieve stock trading success, having a trading plan is crucial. It involves a set of rules that specifies your money management criteria, entry and exit. Apply trading plans to historical data. This allows stock traders to know if the plan is viable. It also reveals the expectancy of the logic of the trading plan.

Get Educated

Do not stop learning and stay focused on gaining education about trading each day. Various concepts in stock trading carry prerequisite understanding and knowledge. Therefore, it is vital to constantly understand the market, as well as all its intricacies.
Remember that knowledge is power. Stay focused to learn and gain instincts about the nuances, which will allow you to know how economic reports influence the market you are trading. Economies, world events and politics have an impact on the trading markets. Keep in the mind that the market world is very dynamic.

Identify the Appropriate Stocks

One of the most successful investment and trading strategies is identifying the right trading stocks. Choosing an appropriate stock is often dependent on whether one is actually interested in getting invested or trading in the stock market. It is of note that a stock good for investment may not be the right one for trading and vice versa. Determine the right stocks to ensure real success. Whether it is for investment or trading, it requires divergent rules, discipline, mental attitude and sets of skills.

Know your Expectations and Manage your Emotions

Stock trading is linked with human emotions. In order to be a successful stock trader, understand your temperament. Determine your psychological makeup and choose the style that suits you and that will lead you to a sustained success in the stock market. It is also crucial that you become open to possibilities. Determine your expectations and do not let your emotions become a barrier to success.
Be patient and learn to control your emotions. The stock market is constantly moving downwards and upwards. In times of market crash or down trend, it is crucial to remain patience.

To Conclude

Reaping success in the stock market does not just happen overnight. Many thriving stock traders in the world have paid the cost of their success. With the use of successful trading strategies and learning from the world’s famous and renowned traders, you can make a great amount of money in the market.

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