Number of trading session in every month / contract expiry of year 2017

Author: EQSIS
Published Date: January 18, 2017
Number of trading session in every month / contract expiry of year 2017

Number of trading session in every month / contract expiry of year 2017The below table helps you to find the number of trading session in every month / contract expiry of year 2017

Month and Year Number of  Trading sessions During Months Number of  Trading sessions During Expiry
January 2017 21 19
February 2017 19 20
March 2017 22 24
April 2017 18 17
May 2017 22 20
June 2017 21 23
July 2017 21 19
August 2017 21 25
September 2017 21 20
October 2017 19 21
November 2017 22 20
December 2017 20 25

Also find the below links for stock traders regarding 2017 Trading Calendar

  1. Here is the list of NSE Trading holidays in India for 2017
  2. Here is the list of NSE equity derivative contract expiry dates for Year 2017

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