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  • #70382
    Rank: Level 2

    Intraday Trading – Bought and sold shares within a day.

    Positional Trading – Bought shares and holding it for a while may be for a week to a month and then selling it.

    Gokul Ramachandran
    Rank: Level 4

    Positional trading is long term trading where the trader holds a stock for months or even years. The short term fluctuations in the price will not affect them. Here the earning capacity of the stock is considered.

    Intra day trading is buying and selling stocks within a day. Here the momentum of the stocks matter.

    Rank: Level 2

    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0.85em 0px; direction: ltr; color: #777777; font-family: ‘Roboto Slab’; font-size: 13px;”>When buying and selling of shares take place on the same day before the closing of the exchange is called as intra-day trading.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0.85em 0px; direction: ltr; color: #777777; font-family: ‘Roboto Slab’; font-size: 13px;”>When shares are bought to be held for more than a day, week or month and then sold later is called as positional trading.</p>

    Rank: Level 2

    Positional trading duration more than 3 years in other words. Stocks are bought in a long term investment perspective

    Intraday trading duration is one-day where the stocks buying and selling should be done and exit the position in a single day

    Sriram Raghavendran
    Rank: Level 5

    Intraday trading – trading positions are entered and exited in the same day

    Positional trading – positions can be bought and held over few days/weeks/months or longer


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