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  • #67707
    Parthasarathy J
    Rank: Level 2

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    Positional trading is to hold the stock for more than one trading day and sold on realising profits.

    Intraday is when we buy and sell a stock  on the same day


    Anitha Ramesh
    Rank: Level 5

    When we  buy stocks in a day and sell the stocks in another day,it is called positional trading.

    When we buy and sell stocks in the same day,it is called intraday trading.

    Rank: Level 3

    Positional trading is long term trading while intraday is within a day. In positional trading the investment (stock) is held for a long time so the risk is less. In intraday the stock/share is bought and sold on the same day  so risk is comparatively high.

    Rank: Level 2

    Positional trading is long time trading while intraday trading is within a day. In positional trading the risk is low whereas the risk is high in intra day.

    Vineet Kumar Nair
    Rank: Level 3

    When buying and selling of shares takes place on the same day before the closing of the exchange is called as intra-day trading.

    When shares are bought to be held for more than a day, week or month and then sold later is called as positional trading.

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