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  • #39546
    Arun Kumar
    Rank: Level 2

    Intraday – Buy and Sell or Sell and buy back the stock on same day
    Positional – Carry the position taken on next trading days (Either short term or long term)

    Selvakumar DS
    Rank: Level 3

    A Positional trading is the trade, where the share trader holds the position of the trade for long time such as many days, some weeks ,few months, in some case it may extend to years also. In which, the share trader believes that the share will give good return in future and the trader never concerns over the daily fluctuations of the market price of the particular share.

    Intra day trading the trading which takes place with in a day time, based on the price movemnt of the share on the particular trading day. The price value of the particular share may fluctuate high or low on the same day, and on this scenario the trading will take place either buy and sell or sell and rerepurchase the sahre.

    Sanjana R
    Rank: Level 2

    Positional – buying now and selling it at after a period of time (for investments)

    Intraday – Trading within a day (Speculation)

    Rank: Level 5

    Positional Trading – Holding the Stocks for more than a week or month or so on.
    Intraday Trading – Completing the trade in a day.

    Rank: Level 4

    If i buy and sell the stock same day it is called Intraday trading.
    If i buy a stock today and hold it for a day/week/month/years and sell the stock later it is called positional trading.

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