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  • #52674
    GK Pai
    Rank: Level 5

    If a trader have the knowledge on risk-reward ratio and also reward is more than the risk from that trade, then that trading is a buisness.

    If a trader is have the knowledge on risk-reward ratio and reward is less than the risk from that trade, if he is not executing that trade it is a buisness other wise it is gambling.

    If a trader dont have knowledge on risk-reward ratio, but still he is executing the trade then he is a gambler.

    Guruswamy P
    Rank: Level 2

    the trading without analyzing the risk and reward become gambling. in the gambling, the player only with risk is gambler and the business person play with risk and reward is trader

    Rank: Level 4

    risk is higher than reward means stock trading becomes gamling

    Aravind Bose
    Rank: Level 3

    If we are taking any kind of trading decisions emotionally without any proper analysis then it would be the gambling.

    Rank: Level 2

    when risk is high and rewards r less then it will become gambling.

Viewing 5 posts - 21 through 25 (of 55 total)
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