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  • #50196
    Rank: Level 4

    LONG: The price is increasing, buy the shares by creating long position.
    Short: The price is decreasing, sell the shares by creating short position
    Long unwinding: Sell the shares, when price goes up at the target
    Short covering: buy back the shares, when price goes down at reached target <b></b><i></i><u></u>

    Rank: Level 3

    Long — Take this position(buy) if stock price expected to go higher   long unwinding: Exit from long position(sell)

    Short –>Sell if stock price expected to go down  short covering :Buyback the shares which sold before (buy)

    Sorna Rajeswari
    Rank: Level 2

    Long-Buying the shares for the first time.

    Short-Selling the shares which we don’t own.

    Long unwinding-selling the existing stock which we bought in the long position.

    Short covering-We are obliged to buy back the shares which we don’t own in the short position.

    Rank: Level 3

    Buying a stock for now is called is long. The exit of position of the long is called unwind.

    Short is selling the shares without having the money and the stock. short covering is execution of shot selling position by buy back the shares.

    Rank: Level 3

    When we buy a stock with an expectation of the price going up, we call it as a long. and later exit the position is called long unwinding.

    When an order is placed to sell stocks in acceptation of price going down and then buy back at a lower price before the closure of the market is called Short  and Short covering.

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