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  • #25465
    Rank: Level 2

    When choosing where to invest when it comes to Indian stock markets it really depends on where the companies you want to invest in are listed and what type of trading you like to do. Some companies are listed on both exchanges but for many companies you want to invest in you may not have a choice on which exchange to use. For day traders the high liquidity and sophistication of the NSE make that exchange the logical choice. Ultimately, however, if you’re investing based on preference for certain companies the listing or exchange they happen to be on should not influence your decision on whether or not to invest in that company.

    Rank: Level 4

    National stock exchange is popular in Bombay stock exchange and it become feature and options and it attract trader and people

    Indhumathi v
    Rank: Level 5

    NSE is more popular than BSE because NSE introduce new features and financial market.

    Rank: Level 4

    NSE introduced the derivatives 5 years before BSE and it became a big hit among many traders

    Rank: Level 3

    NSE – nifty is having top 50 companies average point is 1/3 of BSE’s, so losses percentage can happen is very less than BSE. So all traders are trading maximum NSE stocks.

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