• Technical Indicator is a result of mathematical calculations based on indications of price and/or volume. The values obtained are used to forecast probable price changes.
Indicators filter price action with formulas and not direct reflections of the price action as compared to technical analysis.
Therefor we can use the technical indicator as an additional tool along with other technical analysis to confirm the price movement.
The moving average (MA) is a simple technical analysis tool that smooths out price data by creating a constantly updated average price. The average is taken over a specific period of time, like 10 days, 20 minutes, 30 weeks or any time period the trader chooses
Fibonacci series is the sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers in the sequence. The sequence is as follows, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,…The golden mean is the ratio of two consecutive numbers(ex: 233/144) i.e, 1.618 which same for all the ratios in the sequence.
Relative Strength Index or RSI is a momentum indicator that compares the average price change of the advancing periods with the average change of the declining periods.

1 Comment
  1. Naresh 5 years ago

    You did that very well

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