technical indicators indicates the price using calculation method (algorithms). without using demand and supply they using these patterns to identify price levels.
moving average : moving average its a tool is ready made one. the tools smooths out the price data by creating a constantly updated average price. the average is taken min 21 days of the time period.
relative strength index, the price cross above the 70% zone. we can expect the buying zone.

1 Comment
  1. Naresh 5 years ago

    After a significant price move, either up or down, prices will often retrace a significant portion of the original move. As prices retrace, support and resistance levels often occur at or near the Fibonacci retracement levels. These are the Fibonacci retracements levels (61.8%, 38.2%, and 23.6% ) which a stock can possibly retrace before it resumes the original directional move.

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