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  • #67514
    Iswarya V
    Rank: Level 2

    Stocks are traded in stock markets when the seller’s ask price matches the buyer’s bid price.

    Broker is the middle man who connects buyer/seller to the stock exchanges. He is responsible if the seller fails to deliver the stocks at the right time. Or the buyer fails to pay the seller for the stocks he sold.


    Exchange is the place where trading takes place.

    SEBI is the controller of the exchanges.

    Govt frames the rules and coordinates it with the help of SEBI.

    Bank is responsible for the online transactions ie funding for the stocks that is bought/sold in the trading.


    Iswarya V
    Rank: Level 2

    If the buyer quotes higher price than the market price, he donot have to wait in queue to buy the stock. His order will be executed immediately only at market price even if he quotes more than the market price.

    Iswarya V
    Rank: Level 2

    Return > Risk = business

    Risk > Return = gambling.


    Iswarya V
    Rank: Level 2

    Buying and selling of shares which happens through online. It donot involes any physical form of certificates.

    Iswarya V
    Rank: Level 2

    The order will be placed through online software which is meant for trading. It is of two types: buy order and sell order. Either it is a buy order or sell order, if the quoted price matches the market price, or else if the buyer’s bid matches the seller’s price, it will be executed. Until that order becomes valid.

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