Stock analysis is to analyze how a stock price would move and make trades which could give profits more often than losses.
Two types of analysis are fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
The fundamental analysis is to analyze the market, specific industry and company. It would take huge amount of time and money to perform fundamental analysis. There are various companies in each industry and various industries in the market. To analyze them all and get an understanding is practically impossible for small players. Thus, fundamental analysis can only be done by huge firms which has setup R & D division and spends crores of rupees to do these analyses.
Technical analysis is to analyze the market by studying movement in the stock price and volume of trade. There are various theories and chart types used for technical analysis like dow theory, line chart, bar chart and candle sticks. There are various price patterns like double top / bottom, head and shoulder, flag and triangle. There are various candlestick analysis patterns like engulfing pattern, piercing pattern, DOJI and hammer / hanging man. In addition, there are gap analysis and technical indicators used for technical analysis.
Overall, when we get the news about a stock, the market would have already discounted it and if we believe the news and trade, we might end up making losses. So, we should do our technical analysis and follow the market rather than contradicting the market.


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