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  • #73100
    Supriya Rayabhagi
    Rank: Level 5

    People choose stock trading as a business in which they can earn high returns within a short span of time.

    Rank: Level 4

    Some people chose stock trading for investing and to get returns from it.Some people use it for making money in a short period of time.

    Darshan Arvindbhai Shah
    Rank: Level 4

    God knows why majority of the  people choose stock trading without understanding it properly


    In fact people get attracted by watching only one side of the coin is

    profit making ability of  the share trading business makes them choose stock trading

    But record says that only 5% of the trader gets profit and 95% of the trader end up making loss


    Actually in stock market it is very natural to get money very fast but you can loose money also very fast

    only if you trade irrationally with out considering risk vs reward ratio


    The key behind being successful trader is :

    Trade with  Knowledge & Discipline 


    ( Where Knowledge is nothing but an ability to identify the Risk you are taking Vs Return you are getting 

      & Discipline is all about Taking Rational Decision  – makes profitable Business of Stock Trading )


    Happy Trading 

    Rank: Level 2

    Most of the people choose stock trading for getting rich quicker but ultimately lose their capital quicker.

    I think apart from the above the reason it could be the flexibility it offers, some focus on dividend paying company for their investment.

    Mohammed Arshath Ali
    Rank: Level 3

    People choose stock trading in the thought of getting rich quickly but often end up losing money.

    Whereas some people choose stock trading as profession by learning the market properly.

Viewing 5 posts - 341 through 345 (of 389 total)
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