Viewing 5 posts - 266 through 270 (of 317 total)
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  • #68819
    Rank: Level 3

    The fundamental analysis gives you a detailed information about the company in terms of qualitative and quantitative factors that involves directly or indirectly the revenue/profit of the company. Generally it is a long term analysis which can be done only by stronger hands.

    Issa Fathima Jasmine
    Rank: Level 2

    Studying in detail about a company.

    Very expensive and time consuming.

    Anitha Ramesh
    Rank: Level 5

    The fundamental analysis gives the future earning ability of the company.It takes many factors such capital,profit,dividend,debt,future project,legal issues etc, into consideration.It forecasts the company’s future performance.

    It is the strongest analysis method and works for a long term investment.

    Rank: Level 2

    Fundamental analysis is studying the company in detail from various aspects i.e. management, production etc

    As a retail investor/trader we will not have access to those info.

    Dipakk Mehta
    Rank: Level 3

    Fundamental analysis is studying all the complete information of the company in order to predict the future returns more accurately.

Viewing 5 posts - 266 through 270 (of 317 total)
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