Stock Markets-An Overview

Stock market an electronic market exclusively to buy / sell listed equity investments, which is regulated by SEBI. Stock markets classified as Primary markets & Secondary markets;

SEBI protects interests of the investors, promotes the development and to regulate, the securities market and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

NSE & BSE are two stock markets / exchanges in India with index points termed as Nifty & Sensex;SENSEX informsthe movement in the stock price of the top 30 companies, whereas NIFTY informs the movement in the stock price of the top50 stocks

Promoter is the person who originates the idea for formation of a company.

Shareholders are collective owners for company limited by shares

A Director are officers of the company who are responsible for managing the company and making the decisions as to its operation on a day today basis

Investing & Trading has similar objectives but achieving it in different time span.

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