Stock market for Beginners.

Share market is the marketplace where you meet buyers and sellers for trading in shares and stocks. Companies contact the share market start selling their shares and the market issues the shares for trading.
Primary Market -When a company issues new securities that did not previously exist on any exchange, it is issuing securities to the primary market. Undergoing an IPO is an example of this. The company offers securities to the investors to raise capital and becomes listed on the stock exchange.
Secondary Market -After a company undergoes an IPO, its shares continue to be traded between investors on the market. This is referred to as the secondary market. The company is no longer involved in any of these transactions. The stock exchange facilitates trade between buyers and sellers in the secondary market.
A person who owns shares in a company and gets part of the company’s profits and the rights to vote. Promoters are individuals or institutions that help companies to raise capital. They raise funds for companies by capturing the attention of potential investors. The role of the Director is to monitor & take a decision in the business.
Stock trading is about buying and selling stocks for short-term profit, with a focus on share prices. Investing is about buying stocks for long-term gains.

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