Step 2

Stock trading is the place where people can multiply their money in short time, hence people choose stock trading. Stock trading can be used for two ways one for long term investment purpose and the other as for trading purpose. So thats why people choose the Stock trading.
Stock exchange ensures the Traders Counter party risk by certifying the brokers through getting securities deposit from the brokers.
Stock trading take place with the help of broker,exchange,SEBI,Govt,Bank
stock trading is Business. reward is more than risk with knowledge, consistency, discipline its treading. If your risk is more than your reward then it is a Gambling.
Buyer and seller in the marker. who is ready buy the share in high price will top on the buyers counter. who is ready to sell the share in a low price will top on the sellers counter. The price they make the deal that price is called market price.
Position Trading are extended period of time (weeks months years)
intraday trading refers to the practice of buying and selling shares with in the same trading day
A trading plan defines what is supposed to be done, why, when, and how. It covers your trader personality, personal expectations, risk management rules, and trading system. When followed, a trading plan will help limit trading mistakes and minimize your losses
Zero-sum is a situation in game theory in which one person’s gain is equivalent to another’s loss, so the net change in wealth or benefit is zero. A zero-sum game may have as few as two players, or millions of participants.

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