Intraday analysis is analysis purely based on sentiment of market on that particular day. But positional analysis meant for taking of call for short and term postion.
This is rule set by stock exchange to close the intraday positions on same day. Hence, it is mandate to follow.Ideal time for trading is morning 10 to 11.30 and 1.30 to 2.30 p.m (After opening of European markets).Global market directly impact the indian market. Most of our companies’ parent companies are operating in overseas. When mother is in problem, child will also be in problem. Moreover, FII sentiment towards indian market will also impact the market.Positional analytical methods are used for short term and long term trading. But intraday analysis is purely depend on sentiment of market to check bullish or bearish, FII activity, Sector/industry performance and top gainers and losers of that particular industry.To identify momentum stock, we have to analysis of Top Down Approach. We should check sentilment of Global market, FII activity, inidan market sentiment, Sector/industry performance and top gainers/losers of specific sector and then deciding entry exit levels

  1. MOHAN KUMAR R 5 years ago

    Thanks for giving such a detailed analysis.

  2. Maruti Patil 5 years ago

    nice Analysis

  3. Author
    KARTHIKEYAN.V 5 years ago

    Thanks Mohan

  4. P.P.Lakshminarayana 5 years ago

    Good analysis with examples like when mother is in problem child will also be in problem. Easy to understand and recollect at a later date. Keep it up.

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