No option in future

Spot/cash markets are instant delivery markets, Exchange acts as a middle man to avoid counter party risk, Margin trading is borrowing money from broker, MTM – Mark to market is to determine the value of share as of current market situation, Premiums are charged by sellers from buyers to sign the contract, Strike price is the amount finalized in bargain between buyer and seller, Expiry date – Weekly options expire every Friday and monthly options expire the third Friday of each month, Lot size helps the bulk buyers to simplify the total number of shares by fixing the lot size based on the value of share by exchange, Future contract only give rights but option contract gives both rights and obligation, In order to increase the profit percentage in short time traders need futures and options , High profit comes with high risk we can reduce the loss percentage with stop loss and well formed strategy and deep analysis ,Yes it is possible to trade NIFTY in futures and options , In physical settlement we can take delivery of shares where is cash settlement we can take delivery as cash at the end of each contract

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