intro to stock market

stock market is a place where buyers and sellers gather to buy or sell stocks(ownership of company).securities and exchange board of india. its role is to regulate stock exchanges(bse & nse), if buyers or sellers have any issue with the exchange agencies they can rise complains to sebi and sebi solves the problems.share holders have ownership of company/hold share of company. promoters are base who started the company from the base.
director or MD or CEO are people who run the company at top level, some may have share of company some don t.primary markers are initial phase where buyers directly buy stocks from the company. secondary market / stock market are place where stocks brought from primary market is sold since companies cannot refund the money.only difference is time. if shares are bought and kept for a long time or over a year it is investment. if bought & sold in short time it is trading.face value is a denomination( total value 10’000 rs/100 rs each share= no. of share- 100 ), dividend is profit earned for each share by the company, bonus and split is actually the dividend earned by the company.these are indexes. sensex are bse top 30 companies while nifty is nse top 50 companies. they are calculated by averaging the companies price.

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