Intraday Analysis

Intraday analysis is a style of analysis where traders open and close positions during the same day. It implies that traders take positions in a day to benefit from the daily fluctuations in prices.
In positional analysis the investors want to receive a long term benefit from the market. In that the investor generally buys the stock at particular level and hold it as long as he wants may be for 6 month, 1 year or more than that. In intraday trading, it is required to sell the stocks on the same day, before the market closes. If it fails to do so, there can be two outcomes. Ideal time to trade Intraday in Morning is 10.00 am to 11.30 am and Evening 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm.The world today is more interconnected than it has ever been. We are buying and selling things from and to every country in the world with a click of a mouse. In this hyper connected world there is inter dependency. The economies that have larger trade networks, financial relationships with more countries also have larger influence on other economies. Positional trading philosophy is geared toward successfully capturing the bulk of a trend’s move which would result in an appreciation of their investment capital. Position traders may use technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both to make trading decisions.An intraday trader, typically, relies on two factors to trade viz. chart patterns and sensitivity to news flows. One cannot trade intraday in a stock that does not react to the news.

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