Basics of Stock Trading

People choose stock trading to make money. But if done without proper analysis and planning one will eventually get wiped out of market.Sock trading should be considered as a business where one needs to consider the risks and reward for each trade and act upon it only if the potential reward is higher than the risk taken. Always trade with knowledge and discipline.
Stock trading happens through stock exchanges.As an individual investor we cannot directly go to the exchange, instead we need to open an account with an exchange certified broker(eg. share khan). We place an order to buy or sell through the broker to the exchange, we will be placed in a queue based on our quoted price. The order will get executed when a matching price is found. Since it is a perfect competitive atmosphere usually rates get executed instantly. Then the exchange sends the order to the depositor(CSDL\NSDL) where actual transfer of shares happen.
Positional trading is when we use technical analysis like dow theory and price patterns and charts to find entry prices on a longer investment horizon.
Intra day trading is looking at a day’s chart and buy shares to sell them the same day itself, after finding the overall trend of the market that day.

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