Basics of Stock Market

A stock market is where traders such as buyers and sellers, buy or sell the shares of the public listed companies. A stock market is needed because it is simple and convenient, provides a properly structured and regulated trading platform with transparency. Electronic market, Vegetable market
Derivative, bond, Forex
Similarity is the price determination,Difference is the products. Securities and Exchange Board of India is the regulatory body or authority of the securities market, it regulates all the activities in stock exchange for safe investments by keeping a check on malpractices and to protect the interest of the investors. A shareholder can be a person, a group or an institution who owns a minimum of at least one share in a company. A Promoter can be a person or a group who does all the preliminary duties required to bring the company in to existence. A person who is responsible for the daily operations of the company or an organisation. A Primary market is where the company sells new shares to the public for the first time. A Secondary market is where the investors trade the securities among themselves. Initial Public Offering is the first sale of the stocks from a private company to the public, to raise the capital amount. Shareholders cannot have the right to ask for dividends as it is determined by the board of directors of the company. Likewise they do not have a say in refunds. Investments involves buying stocks and holding it over an extended period of time to enhance the profits.Trading involves frequent buying and selling of the stocks.Face value is the par value of share. Dividend is giving after tax profit to its shareholders.Bonus is giving free shares ,split is division of issues shares.

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