An insight into the Indian stock market and trading

Once the company’s shares are listed on a stock exchange and trading in it … process where buyers and sellers place bids and offers to buy or sell. … Either when a buyer accepts the ask price or a seller takes the bid price.
Counterparty risk is the likelihood or probability that one of those involved in a transaction might default on its contractual obligation. Counterparty risk can exist in credit, investment, and trading transactions
You cannot buy a stock on BSE and then sell it the same day in NSE or purchase it on NSE and sell the same day on BSE.
The most common are market orders, limit orders and stop orders. Use a market order to buy at the current best market price. Limit orders allow you to set the price, and the order may be filled over a period of time. Stop orders allow you to place ceilings on how much you pay for stocks.
A long position—also known as simply long—is the buying of a stock, commodity, or currency with the expectation that it will rise in value. … Conversely, an investor who expects an asset’s price to fall—are bearish—will be long on a put option—and maintain the right to sell the asset at a certain price
Shorting, or short-selling, is when an investor borrows shares and immediately sells them, hoping he or she can scoop them up later at a lower price, return them to the lender and pocket the difference. But shorting is much riskier than buying stocks, or what’s known as taking a long position.
Unwind means offloading or selling a position. In trading parlance, long unwinding refers to selling of positions or stocks owned for a longer period either to book profit or to exit it in anticipation of impending bearishness.
Short covering refers to buying back borrowed

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